:: Conference Topic

A) Conceptual Foundations and Theoretical Principles

  1. The most important macro-social concepts and their conceptual network in the Quran (ummah, city, village, kingdom, civilization...)
  2. The nature of ummah/civilization in the Quran (civilizational approach)
  3. Elements and indicators of the ummah/civilization in the Quran (civilizational approach)
  4. Factors of civilizational order in the Quran (ma'ruf, piety, faith, righteous deeds, ...)
  5. Ontological, anthropological, and axiological foundations of ummah-civilization in the Quran
  6. Tawhid, Monotheism, and Civilization in the Quran

B) Methodology of Civilizational Interpreting the Quran

  1. Methodology for understanding macro-social phenomena in the Quran
  2. Methodology of multidimensional/multidisciplinary/multifaceted studies in the Quran
  3. Methodology of the dialectics of theory and practice in the Quran
  4. Similarities and differences between the methodology of thematic interpretation and civilizational interpretation
  5. The role of hadiths in the civilizational interpretation of the Holy Quran
  6. The role of reason in the civilizational interpretation of the Holy Quran
  7. Types of ‘Quran by Quran’ interpretations and their application in the civilizational interpretation of the Holy Quran
  8. Methodology of civilizational understanding of social interpretations (both Shi'a and Sunni)
  9. Methodology of Islamic civilizational movements (resistance movement, Islamic left movement, Muslim Brotherhood, traditionalist movement, political Islam movement, Quranic movement)
  10. Methodology of Quranic interpretation by civilizational researchers and Muslim reformers: Mona Abu al-Fadl, Malik bin Nabi, Taha Jabir al-Alwani, Fazl al-Rahman Malik ...)
  11. The contribution of modern sciences (humanities or natural sciences) to the civilizational unde interpretation of the Quran
  12. Methodological challenges in the Islamic world for the civilizational understanding of the Quran

C) Civilizational Issues of the Islamic Ummah (Possibility and Construction  Process)

  1. The Quran and the diversity of Muslim nations (ethnic, linguistic, religious, and sectarian diversity)
  2. The Quran and justice on Islamic civilization
  3. The Quran and the virtues of a civilizational society in the Islamic world
  4. The Quran and the civilizational order of the Islamic world
  5. The Quran and coexistence and peace
  6. The Quran and resistance on a global and civilizational level
  7. The Quran and the civilizational state
  8. The Quran and the civilizational sciences of Muslims
  9. The Quran and the civilizational family
  10. The Quran and contemporary global culture (attention to digital culture)
  11. The Quran and the process of becoming civilization (authoritarian approach or cultural approach)
  12. The Quran and the contemporary civilizational challenges of Muslims
